Signing up for a big bang is a commitment. To protect us and you, we have an detailed breakdown of how we handle penalties.


If you need to withdraw from the bang, email [email protected].

On Discord, ask to speak privately with the mods. We'd rather you not use the public contact channel to announce drops, especially if we are past matchups.


We hope this section doesn’t apply to you, but for the protection of all participants and mods, we have the following penalties:

Withdrawing BEFORE claims: no penalty

If you withdraw from the challenge prior to the start of the claims process, there is no penalty.

Withdrawing DURING claims: one-round penalty

If you enter into the claims process but withdraw before you are matched with a partner, you lose eligibility to participate in the next round of any challenge run by a member of this team.

Withdrawing AFTER claims: one-round penalty to permanent ban