We’ll ping participants on Discord and email about all check-ins, but you're responsible for staying on schedule. We do not grant extensions except in cases of natural disasters.

It’s possible a date will change, but deadlines will only be pushed back to give everyone more time, never tightened.

October 4 : Sign-ups open for all participants

November 28 : Author sign-ups close. First author check-in due. Authors must submit their fic concept. You can also submit notes/outline, although they’re not mandatory.

December 26 : Second author check-in due. Authors should have at least 6,000 words written, not including notes and outline.

January 30 : Third author check-in due. Summaries and rough drafts due for authors planning to go through claims. Fics must be at least 75% complete based on estimated total word count, with the remaining outlined, to be accepted for claims. Authors planning to bypass claims should have 50% of their fic written. Artist sign-ups close.

⚠️ January 30th is the final day to drop without penalty unless you opt for the solo track.

February 6 : Fic previews and claims form sent to artists

February 12-13 : Claims weekend. The mods will run matchups and notify teams. This process may extend into the week

February 27 : Team check-in due (this is when you’ll submit your posting preferences)

March 6 : Posting schedule released

March 19 : First artist check-in due. Artists must submit a sketch. Fourth author check-in. Fics must be nearly complete for anyone on the schedule. Pinch-hit artists will be assigned as needed.

This date was originally listed as the March 20th, but my work schedule has been changed and I need to review everything on Sunday, not Monday as I’d hoped. Thanks for understanding.

April 3 : Posting begins

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/373459b7-ed80-4874-8628-ece2f6330500/Challenge_Logos.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/373459b7-ed80-4874-8628-ece2f6330500/Challenge_Logos.png" width="40px" /> The T’hy’la Bang • updated April 16, 2022 • part of #ficwip
